Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Editing: My Computer (Continued)

It took a while to find good music that was uncopyrighted. However, we found some and used it for the action section of our film. We then added some sound effects like the doors slamming and the dialogue. Unfortunately, Kaitlyn wasn't at my house so she couldn't say her dialogue. I was planning to say it for her, but it didn't sound right. So we didn't complete that part. After all of the dialogue, non-diegetic, and diegetic sounds were added, I put filters on some of the takes. For the flashforward scenes, we planned to dim the colors. I took all of those scenes and applied a filter that dimmed the colors. This was so the audience can distinguish what was the present and future. This process took about 15 minutes. After this, Kaitlyn sent me the title order. We then called so we could decide who gets credit for certain jobs. After coming to an agreement, I inserted the first title. For our design, we decided to used red and green body text, with a black outline. In some scenes, it was difficult to read, so we put some titles in white. This process took about 90 minutes. After this, I video chatted Kaitlyn so she could see the finished product. She gave me some feedback, and I adjusted some of the titles. I spaced them out so they were evenly distributed,

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