Friday, November 20, 2020

Music Choice

 My group and I have yet to decide what music we want to include. However, we researched different music choices. To use music that is copyrighted, we would have to go through a complex process. First, we would have to select the soundtrack. Then, we would have to contact the producers and people who could legally allow us to use the songs. After this, we would have to wait for the producers to respond. At this point, the producers could either give us copyright rights or they could deny us rights. If they deny us the rights, then we would have to find additional music. This leads to doing the process all over again. As a group, we decided that we didn't want to take the risk of getting denied. Because of this, my group and I will use uncopyrighted music. However, we will have to ensure that the music is uncopyrighted. We will most likely find our music on YouTube. We then have to go through the descriptions to make sure it isn't copyrighted. Once we ensure that it isn't copyrighted and downloadable, we will download it and put it in our movie. We have yet started the process of selected our music. However, we know that we also want some sound effects. These include diegetic and nondiegetic sounds. Overall, we are excited to select our music as well as the sound effects. We have a broad idea of the music style, but we still have to discuss it in further detail.

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