Saturday, January 25, 2020

Genre Research: 47 Meters Down

Camera Angles: Throughout the film, many two shots, wide shots, and close-ups were used.

Costumes, lighting, actors, makeup, props, setting: Film set at a tropical resort in Mexico so the actors are wearing summer clothing and bathing suits and have little to no makeup. The setting changes to underwater when the main characters go diving.  Natural lighting is mostly used. The two actresses are playing the roles of sisters. In the beginning of the film, the siblings are happy and enjoying their trip. But then they get frightened when they go diving. Props used are scuba diving gear, cell phones, and a metal cage. 

Sounds: Diegetic sounds in the film are people talking about waves and splashing. A non-diegetic sound was the fast tempo background music used during high action scenes. 

Editing: Inserts of text messages. Ambient music added to create a happy or suspenseful vibe. CGI used to make the sharks in the film. There were many jump cuts throughout the movie.

Elements of thriller in the movie: Symbols that foreshadow something bad happening, like the drink spilling the pool. Sharks attacking the main characters makes the audience feel on edge. 

What elements of the genre did you like? I like that the film reminded me of Jaws which is a film I really enjoy. Thriller movies typically aren't underwater, so that was a different change that I enjoyed.

What elements of the genre didn't you like? The sharks didn't look that realistic to me. Instead, they looked mechanic.
Image result for 47 meters downofficial cover

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